in brief

☆ hi! call me sei.
☆ 2002 | south-east asian | any pronouns
☆ i write fic, translate manga, and occasionally blog about anime
click on the icons below to navigate.

☆ mostly tweets about:
anime / manga
vtubers (nijisanji)
and genshin
☆ want to support or commission my writing?


anime / manga

all-time favourites
kyoukai no kanata
blue period
gakuen babysitters
ore monogatarii!
kamisama hajimemashita

notable mentions
kabukichou sherlock

i LOVE characters, character-driven stories, and well-written character arcs, so my anime recs would usually involve any of that.

i translate manga for: ukiyo scans,
coin laundry gang



nijisanji favourites
joe rikiichi, kagami hayato,
hana macchia, layla alstroemeria,
reza avanluna, pomu rainpuff,
vox akuma, alban knox

indie / twitch favourites
AisRiale, shibbuns,
cherifish, HiiragiYuuVT,
AQUA1V1, LexParteVT,


miscellaneous likes

games i like:
monster hunter world
(whatever game i'm watching on streams)
samurai love ballad party
court of darkness
mr love: queen's choice

i also love books and webtoons!
most of the webtoons i read are queer romance.
here's my storygraph!
i also recently got a letterboxd so i can become cultured <:)

( ► currently watching / reading / listening to )



do not follow if you are:
support any other forms of discrimination
+ generally an asshole
if you're a minor, follow with caution. do NOT
interact with me on nsfw stuff


trivia / socials

trivia: cngkyns?cngkyns is the name of my monsta x bias, changkyun, with many letters taken out for aesthetic purposes (lol). it's pronounced as "sungkyuns."it was my online handle for so long that by the time i made my first carrd, i still used the handle and now i'm too lazy to change it. you'll see it in my ao3 and my old fandom tumblr.

trivia: fics?i still write fics!!! it's just that uni + life gets in the way and i am very distracted by my hobbies. i read kudos + comments left on my fics as well, so thank you for your support <3update: for my ongoing chaptered k-pop fics, i'm not working on them for the time being. my interests changed a long time ago, so i'm moving on for now. i'm sorry if you wanted it to end! but alas, fic writing is but a hobby and you can't help if you've fallen out of interests.i am, however, constantly writing (fics for different fandoms, original fiction/non-fiction), so i'll still post once in a while. who knows? i might work on those fics in hiatus too.

trivia: raingami?i like rain!gami was meant to be kami (神, god) but i ended up changing it to gami (紙, paper) because "god" felt blasphemous and gami sounded better anyway.trivia: sei?it's the first syllable of my discord handle!

trivia: genshin?multi-main. malewives haver, proud dps barbara user! i collect 5-star men and build 4-star women dps (barbara, yanfei, sucrose, ningguang, xinyan) <3
+ inazuma stan


feel free to interact! i'm active on twitter discord and love receiving questions on curiouscat :)

icon credits
cosmostickers (tumblr)
Pepipad (line)
Krippyme (line)
Littlegrassland (line)


fic commissions


no incest, non-con,
dub-con or personal NOTPS
i reserve the right to refuse a commission slot if i cannot fulfill
it up to my standards
no refunds after the finished
product has been sent
-for cancellations, do it before the deadline-if you are not satisfied after completion
(i.e. final draft), you cannot make any changes to the fic
depending on the commission and my personal schedule, it may take up to 3-6 weeksthe prompt must be specific but allows personal creative freedom.for now, simple prompts only!please keep in contact with me through dms or email!fic writing is hard. please respect our efforts ;;;;PLEASE CHECK my ko-fi for more information!


mainly anime mentioned here,
loona, day6, monsta x, genshin
fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, romance
(specialty: domestic relationships)
will try fantasy and/or scifi
(such prompts must be more specific)
minimum 1k words / maximum 5k words
simple or plotless


first 1000 words = $10
first 1000 words (smut included) = $15
additional $5 per 1000 words
additional $5 for original character



you can check whether my commissions
are open or closed on my ko-fi or twitter
